I feel like spending the whole day inside next to the fire with a cup of tea. or coffee. or maybe even hot chocolate if i feel like indulging. And secondly, i feel like sharing something with you--shoes. I must admit i spent quite some time browsing around the internet, looking at every type of blog out there: food, travel, design, clothes, crafts...etc, etc. And then my aunt Donna proudly showed me her recent purchase--a pair of fabulous purple heels. Well, that gave me something to write about. Handmade shoes. Wouldn't
that be a fantastic hobby?
I'm very jealous of people that are naturally creative. I mean, maybe everyone is to an extent but there seems to be certain people that never get tired of it, and absolutely never run out of ideas. sometimes i see a particularly adorable handmade something and i wonder "how did they even
think of creating that?!". Maybe they're just more fearless than the rest of us. Maybe they create for the enjoyment of it, and hey, if they happen to make a few bucks off of it, then awesome. I think that to be a creative person, and to succeed at it, is to just relax and not worry about the practicality of what you're making. Just have fun.
It's like something a fairy would wear
...not practical but hey...its art
Noticing similarity? Try google-ing "Pendragon Shoes"
Im honestly considering purchasing some.
Okay, i promise this is the last pendragon. But i mean..
how cute is that?
The colors here are so vibrant and festive! LOVE these.
You know...shoes really do make a statement. I don't know about you
but i would definitely wear these.
Who wouldn't love the colors?
Vintage shoes...i am so glad they are back in style.
Then again...i'd wear them even if they weren't.